Indoswap is a fintech equity crowd funding

Indoswap is not a Cryptocurency Trading platform (crypto Exchange) but a fintech Equity Crowdfunding platform with listings using Blockchain technology. as the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) number 77/POJK.01/2016 concerning Information Technology-Based Borrowing-Lending Services which regulates fintech peer to peer lending (p2p). Indoswap does not trade Cryptocurrency assets in the form of fiat currency. and indoswap only lists businesses that have a legal entity registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights at least a CV or cooperative to start issuing crowdfunding shares. The maximum issuance of indoswap Crowdfunding Shares is only IDR 2,000,000,000 (two billion Rupiah) By using Blockchain, the recording of crowdfunding (equity crowdfunding) is more secure and detailed. Profit sharing ( dividend ) : in the distribution of profits (dividend) using blockchain technology will be more equitable and fair. according to the portion of each shareholder, bond or sukuk.

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